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Spicy El Jefe Pickled Okra


1 1/2 lb fresh whole okra

4 cloves of garlic

2 cups white vinegar

2 cups water

3 tbl EL JEFE Garlic Habanero craft salt

1/2 tbl granulated sugar

1 tbl red pepper flake

1 tsp celery seed

1 tsp whole black peppercorn


Sterilize jars and lids according to canning/jarring instructions.

Rinse okra well.

Boil vinegar, water, salt, and sugar, continually stirring to dissolve the salt and sugar.

Cut heat.

While sterilized jars are still hot, but empty, place spices and garlic in jars, pack okra into jars to the top of the jar leaving about a 1/2 inch from the rim of the jar.

Pour vinegar mixture over the okra.

Using a knife, poke the okra until all the air pockets are gone.

Seal jars according to canning/jarring instructions.

Let the jars cool on the countertop.

Once cooled, place in the refrigerator.

Okra should be ready in 72 hours.

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